Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Progesterone Benefits and Risks

!±8± Progesterone Benefits and Risks

Progesterone has a estimate of great benefits. In order to understand the benefits, one must know what the function of estrogen in the body is and how estrogen can be very perilous in the absence of its balancing hormone that is progesterone. Estrogen, especially in women after their menopause, causes a estimate of problems such as bone decay, breast cysts and depression. It also increases body fat storage, increases the risk of breast cancer, decreases the sex drive and leads to weight gain. An uncontrolled growth of this hormone in the body may thus lead to women suffering from conditions like osteoporosis and breast cancer.

The nearnessy of progesterone hormone in the blood stream opposes the effects of estrogen. It thus, becomes very necessary in women especially those experiencing menopausal symptoms. Even women who are at an age when they can reproduce wish the nearnessy of a sure level of progesterone in their bodies. It is very necessary for normal fertilization and a normal menstrual cycle.

It must be noted that once the menstrual cycle stops in women, the level of estrogen yield goes down by approximately 40 to 50%, while the level of progesterone produced by the body may even go down to zero. It is very necessary then to supply progesterone to the body straight through synthetic means like the progesterone cream. Contrary to beloved beliefs, even the male body produces progesterone. After the age of 50 however, the yield of the hormone goes down. This leads to the body becoming susceptible to prostrate cancer.

Despite the fact that progesterone has so many benefits, one must note that the inordinate nearnessy of progesterone in the body may cause feelings of nausea, depression, body pain and in some cases even diabetes. Too much of progesterone may even cause the liver to malfunction. At times, lack of progesterone hormone may even cause a great deal of pain during vaginal penetration.

Progesterone Benefits and Risks

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